SFM - Seed Factory Marketing
SFM stands for Seed Factory Marketing
Here you will find, what does SFM stand for in Marketing under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Seed Factory Marketing? Seed Factory Marketing can be abbreviated as SFM What does SFM stand for? SFM stands for Seed Factory Marketing. What does Seed Factory Marketing mean?The Marketing company falls under marketing and advertising category and is located in Atlanta, Georgia.
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Alternative definitions of SFM
- Sanford, Maine USA
- Sprouts Farmers Market
- Surface Feet per Minute
- Simple File Manager
- Stewart Finlay Mclennan
- Standard Format Markup
- Single Fluid Model
- Science Fiction Museum
View 96 other definitions of SFM on the main acronym page
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- STPL Safe Tower Pvt Ltd
- SOS Smiths Office Solutions
- STI Sunward Tours Inc
- SCL Square Capital LLP
- SPL Summit Physiotherapy Ltd
- SVI The Sheen Vein Institute
- SHBC South Haven Baptist Church
- SCLD Summit County Legal Defender
- SCS Streamline Control Solutions
- SBC Sydney Business Chamber
- SRGC Scotland Run Golf Club
- SRE Sadler Real Estate
- SBD Smiles By Design
- SAGNYD The Salvation Army Greater New York Division
- SILC Secure Identity Ledger Corp
- SAS Southdown Aero Services